Luise 22 May The Hapag began business with three copper-bottomed sailing ships of together 1,600 register tons, and with a capital of 460,000 marks. Washington 29 September Elise 8 September Washington 26 October As passenger traffic increased, Dutch, Belgian, French, and Danish ports were used. An agreement of July 1999 between the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Society for Genealogical Investigation, DIE MAUS ("The Mouse"), provides the basis for digitizing the passenger lists by members of DIE MAUS (i.e. As many as one-fifth of the passengers did not survive the crossing to America. Tap or click on a vessel to view images. Alfred 30 October from 1920-1939. This page was last edited on 29 December 2022, at 13:54. Unfortunately, the original lists for 1909 and beyond were destroyed in an Allied bombing raid on October 6, 1944. Trenton 16 December Given the loss of Bremen departure lists, researches in search of embarkees from that port must fall back on arrival lists. Condor 9 August Ship Asia 3 November Brig Ulysses 14 October U.S. and German Passenger Lists and Indexes. Study how to use this resource by clicking here: Hamburg Passenger Lists. to retrieve any portion of the site. Copernicus 18 December Hualco 21 August Sophie 12 October In the early days of the Hapag there was little return freight to America to exchange for the bulk products we sent Germany. Copernicus 4 August SS Donau 31 March Gustav 23 October Early in the century Bremen had recognized the future of the emigrant trade. Such documents were restricted to time and space. Pauline 7 October Anna 10 November Mary Phillips 9 September Friedrich Leo 2 August It is primarily a freight line; passengers and mails for Australia go with the subsidized mail liners of the Lloyd. Bremen 14 September Timoleon 22 November Friederich Jacob 9 December Bark Johanna 18 May, 1876 1843 . I Can't Find the Person I'm Looking For, What Now? Herschel 15 August Louise 17 June : 18 July 2022. SS Deutschland 14 March Ship Copernicus 2 June Republic 13 June Martha 1 September This article describes a collection of records at Constitution 15 November To improve Hamburg's reputation as an emigration port, the Senate passed laws to protect emigrants and guaranteed sufficient food, space, and medical care on the journey. Includes "Ship Lists of Passengers Leaving France for Louisiana" (1718-1724) originally published in the Louisiana Historical Society Quarterly Website: New Orleans Passenger Arrival Lists 1813 Brig Ulysses 19 September Not only is it the largest steamship company in any country, but it comprises half the ocean shipping of Hamburg, affords a far larger proportion of her connections with oversea and is actively interested in all the other larger lines excepting the German Australian Steamship Company. The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. In the early 1830s, Bremen was doing well in its trade with America, while Hamburg trade was mostly with the West Indies and Latin America. Luise 3 June Latrobe 2 August Bark Josephine 10 November Elise 1 January Luise 3 January 1845 F H Adami 25 October SS Leipzig 17 July Ellen Brooks 28 October Grace Brown 17 July For additional information about image restrictions see Restrictions for Viewing Images in FamilySearch Historical Record Collections. 1844 Diana 11 November F H Adami 25 October The Hapags three sailing vessels of 1848 maintained a monthly service with New York, averaging forty-one days on the ocean west-bound, twenty-nine days east-bound. Most emigrants left Germany during the following periods: The earliest German emigrants went down the Rhine River and left Europe from Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Sophronia 13 September Bark Constitution 31 May Albert 19 August Louise 17 June Ellen Brooks 28 October Bark E. Beaulien 6 January Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Johann Friedrich 19 June Louisa 25 September Goethe 25 July Bashan 3 November Favorite 18 June Semiramis 18 August Bark Neptune 15 December, 1849 SS Berlin 21 October Stephani 30 December Marianne 20 September Diana 3 June Josephine 8 November When the allies occupied Germany at the end of WWII, the Institute was closed and later re-opened as the Institut fr Austlandsbeziehungen. Bremen Passenger Lists 1920-1939 Most of the Bremen, Germany passenger departure records were destroyed. Now it circumnavigates Africa, alternating between the east and the west circuit, and has a branch across from the east coast to Bombay. Hamburg was the transitional stop for emigrants from the Northern German coastal countries as well as from Eastern European countries. Therefore, if your ancestors emigrated to the U.S. from Germany, they could be found on a passenger list coming from Liverpool, England (if, in this case, the ship left from Bremen, Germany then continued on to Liverpool, England before arriving in Baltimore). 631 D St Lincoln, NE 68502 (402) 474-3363. Telumah 12 November Caspar 22 September In 1907 they landed in New York from their German and Italian services the following number of emigrants: Emigrants Landed in New York by the German Steamship Companies. Everhard 30 December Philadelphia 12 July Marianne 16 October Martha 1 September In 1763 Catherine the Great of Russia offered free land, no taxes for thirty years, freedom of religion, and other incentives to encourage Germans to settle her vast, sparsely populated domain. Philadelphia 10 October The index was created to facilitate access to the information in the Bremen passenger lists. Sophie 12 October If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Emma 12 March Isabella 28 August Depending on the time period, either German Civil Registration records or German Church records may be more useful, While searching, it is helpful to know such information as the ancestors given name and surname, some identifying information such as residence and age, and family relationships. The information is reliable; however, as this index has been derived from the actual passenger lists, errors may have occurred during the indexing process. Ann 1 September Mauran 11 November Stephani 12 July FREE. Bremen started her South America cruise on 11 February 1939, and was the first ship of this size to traverse the Panama Canal. Henry 15 October Bark Atlantic 10 June, 1866 Philadelphia 22 August Isabella 28 August There are approximately 125,000 names in all four volumes combined. Howard 22 October Between 1830 and 1914, more than four million people left Europe via Hamburg. Philadelphia 4 January Cordova 24 November Olbers 8 December Copernicus 18 December These books index the names of passengers from passenger lists of ships that arrived in New York from Bremen. Created & Maintained by the ISTGImmigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC The New Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild logo was designed by Patty MacFarlane. In 1910, emigration had about regained its normal status. Diana 5 August Louise 24 October Philadelphia 11 May The American Civil War was over and commerce was renewed with the Union, which needed supplies to repair the devastation that had been wrought. Brunswick 17 October, 1836 SS Berlin 5 December, 1872 The struggle was terminated in 1886, when the Hapag and the Union companies combined their schedules. This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 21:20. Emigrant letters could be examined but any sample of fares that could be obtained would be small and of unclear accuracy. In 1873 the Hapag fell into a rate war with the newly founded Adler Line, established to partake in the profits of the transatlantic trade. Arab 8 September For some countries, such as Austria, the arrangement is chronological by departure date, with names grouped alphabetically by ship name for that date. See Germany Church Records for more information. Luntine 23 June Brig Stern 7 September Ernst and Gustav 30 June Kepler 17 December GGA Image ID # 1413ad196f, German emigration to the United States, in those years since 1870 when it exceeded 100,000, was as follows:[3], German Emigration to the United States, 1870-1892. Sarah Ann 6 October The Canary Islands will be the first port of the service. Bremen Packet 28 May Apollo 7 July Neptune 4 August A P Sharp 12 November Europa 8 November It contains the following: a list of immigrant vessels that arrived between the years of 1865 and 1896 arrival and departure data passenger list availability (citations included) transcribed passenger lists taken from newspaper accounts and souvenir passenger lists (alternative sources) an index of surnames listed on the passenger lists available from alternative sources. For more details, see several Wikipedia articles: Records that document emigration from Germany include passenger lists, passports, permissions to emigrate, German and French emigration indexes, published emigration lists, police registration records, and other departure documents, as well as sources in the emigrant's new countries. Astracan 23 December Diana 3 June Paoli 20 December Brig Josephine 8 November, 1846 Namenskartei aus den Bremer Schiffslisten (Bremen Ship Passengers 1904-1914) Article by John Movius with David Dreyer. Emma 7 October Marianne 20 September Bark Clara 17 December, 1868 United States 12 November Clarissa Perkins 11 July How wise this reservation was, is apparent when we observe what trend emigration to America had already taken in 1900 and to what enormous proportions emigration from East Europe had grown in the banner year 1906-07. Leontine 28 June To receive the privilege of becoming a citizen (usually not full-status) in Hamburg required consent through the city council. This page has been viewed 37,687 times (3,809 via redirect). Weser was an ocean liner built in 1867 for North German Lloyd. Washington 25 February Constitution 23 June Edward 24 July Diana 5 August Bremen, along with Hamburg and Luebeck, was of of the three major trans-shipping centers from northern Germany. The port of Bremen, Germany was a major point of embarkation for emigrations during the 19th and 20th centuries. Charles 28 August Bark Eduard 22 October FamilySearch. The Galveston-Bremen Project This may require viewing multiple records or images. In the last two centuries Bremen and Hamburg have been the two major German port cities for shipping lines serving North and South America as well as to and from Australia and Asia. Virginia 26 June Ship Aurora 19 September Bremen had had a packet sailing line to New York since 1826. In 1891 the Hamburg Hansa Steamship Company was bought up and its lines to Montreal, Boston and Philadelphia turned over to the Hapag flag, which was already serving Baltimore. SS Ohio 29 December, 1874 SS Berlin 10 February Edwina 30 June Antilope 13 August Herschel 15 August Whenever possible FamilySearch makes images and indexes available for all users. Charlotte 20 September Favorite 18 June SS Aller 01 December Marianne 20 September Mads Weil 1 October Who Should Emigrate to Canada and USA (1883), Emigration of Women from Great Britain in 1888, In The Paths of Immigration to America - 1902, Emigration from Rotterdam, Netherlands (1903), Considering The Causes of Emigration (1904), Italy's Attitude Toward Her Emigrants - 1905, The Human Side of Immigration - Italian Emigration to America (1906), Emigrants leaving Europe via Rotterdam (1908), Emigration from the German Ports of Hamburg and Bremen (1911), Medical & Mental Inspection of Immigrants. Ship Elise and Mathilde 9 June This relation* was formerly 3:1 or 4:1 in sailing ships. German towns began keeping records of each person's residence in the 1840s. Ann 1 September Margaretha 1 September Johannes 18 July Clarissa Perkins 11 July A letter given to the traveler made his passage within and outside of German territories easier, depending on the influence the issuer had. This compiled list can help you identify possible relations that can be further verified by researching, When you have located your ancestors record, carefully evaluate each piece of information given. Brig Herschel 21 May, 1854 Bark Freihandel 23 September Isabella 28 August Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Goethe 7 July Bark Inca 26 December Diana 5 August are not known to have survived for sailing ships from Germany. SS Oder 30 September Until 1850, Bremen was a more popular port than Hamburg. America 12 July Emma 7 October Edward 24 July Ship Olbers 3 June Ship Andalusia 22 August Louisa 23 May Many Scandinavians also sailed to America through the British port. The following articles will help you research your family in Germany. Cordova 24 November Diana 11 November For the actual lists see: Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - Bremen, Germany ISTG - Bremen Departures From the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild and Die Maus Genealogical Society of Bremen Germany. It was re-established as the state of Bremen in 1947. B. Bohlen 11 June Howard 6 September This collection includes records from 1904 to 1914 of handwritten cards, covering the information of approximately 8,800 passengers. The Hapag and Woermann are now financially interested in the line. Bremen 21 November Assuming an average fare of $86.00 per steerage passenger, the income of either company for the year from this service alone was five and one fourth million dollars. Devonshire 18 November Timoleon 22 November SS Salier 8 July Philadelphia 12 September Bark Stella 15 October, 1869 This practice was followed until 1909, when customs officials resumed the earlier pattern of preserving the original copies of all emigration lists. At the close of the Franco-Prussian war, French chauvinists had insulted German emigrants in Havre and permanently diverted to Hamburg and Bremen the stream that had flowed to the French port. Bark Atalanta 30 June Chilo 20 August Citizens were required to tell the police or the Einwohnermeldeamt [resident registration office] when they moved. Semiramis 18 August Isabella 5 July Bark Union 6 October 121-24. Olbers 12 December Emma 12 March Hours. Republic 13 June Previous to this, barracks were constructed to house the emigrants but the conditions were deplorable and disease spread quickly. These records are written in German. 1945 - records of 1907-1945 destroyed in bombing raid, Between 1875 to 1908, the staff of the "Nachweisungsbureau", who lacked office space, decided to destroy all passenger lists older than 3 years. A P Sharp 12 November There were enacted in Bremen severe regulations against ill-housing, underfeeding, swindling or otherwise maltreating emigrants, matters to which Hamborg was too long indifferent. Galliot Themis 24 July There was a Meldepflicht (obligation to register) in force since 1833 (mainly for non-Hamburgers), but it was not mandatory until 1892. In the meantime other lines had not been idle. Requisitioned by the Kriegsmarine and used as a supply ship during the German invasion of Norway. This can help you identify other generations of your family. Bark Auguste 4 October Bark Edmund 3 November Ship Sirius 23 September Edwina 30 June SS Adolphine 18 January Brig Telegraph 25 April Bashan 3 November Louisa 23 May The Hapag was left with a fleet out of all proportion to its needs, into which it could not grow for years to come. The records are found in the State Archive Hamburg. The fact that emigrants can be counted on as return freight has had a great influence on the inducements that the German companies could offer in freight rates from the United States to the continent. [4], Emigration to the United States from Europe for Selected Years Between 1870 and 1907. Lists of emigrants are often published. Ferdinand 15 August Alwina 11 January 1842 Among other things it required the ship owners to maintain passenger lists. Citing Deutscher Ausland-Institut. From 1832, Bremen port officials kept meticulous records on their ships' passengers. Updates: 13 Janl 2021: Added 287,140 relative contact names. Telumah 12 November Everhard 30 December By 1867 the last of the sailers was sold. Bark Ella 26 November, 1852 Louise 21 May He speaks of clippers, those magnificent sailing liners, first built in America, whose length is to their breadth as 8:1. Elise 6 December Clarissa Perkins 11 July Pauline 7 October Philadelphia 22 August Margaretha 1 September Louisa 23 May Westphalia 31 December Henry 15 October Bachus 12 September This attracted even more emigrants to the port of Hamburg. arriving on 27 May 1887 with 485 passengers from Germany, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Hungary, Austria, England, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, France, Poland, Belgium and Brazil. Ship Johanne Wilhelmine 5 November Try variations of your ancestors name while searching the index or browsing through images. Republic 13 June Friederich Jacob 9 December Charlemagne 15 July Friedrich Leo 2 August Washington 26 October Ship President Smidt 28 August Apollo 7 July But, as we have seen, the North Atlantic trade was preeminently a passenger trade. Louise 10 October Bark Laura 22 April Louise 10 October Philadelphia 10 October Philadelphia 12 September Some of these records are available through the FamilySearch Catalog under Place Search (Hamburg), Naturalization and citizenship (Heimatbcher 1826-1864), Population (Meldeprotokolle fr Fremde 1868-1889) and Immigration (Reisepassprotokolle 1851-1929). Apollo 7 July Pioneer 21 September Minerva 18 September Sources are passenger lists. This was true not only for German nationals, but also millions of inhabitants in Austria, Hungary, and other Central European nations seeking opportunities or refuge in the New World. ISTG Vol 19 - Bremen Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild Bremen List of Passengers arrived from Foreign Ports, In the Port of Galveston, during the Second Quarter (10 May), 1871 (John Hellmers, Master) Freight could not be profitably transported by steamers until the introduction of the compound engine, which greatly reduced the quantity of fuel to be carried; before this time so much of the carrying capacity of the ship had to be devoted to coal-bunkers that freight had to pay rates which could not compare with those offered by the sailing vessels.[6]. Margaretha 1 September Philadelphia 21 September Martha 1 September By David Luhrssen. Many Russian Germans moved to the United States, Canada, or South America beginning in 1874. Goethe 7 July Intends to provide a searchable database of all European emigrants who emigrated to North America from German ports between 1820 and 1939. Records of German Emigrants in Their Destination Nations, One option is to look for records about the ancestor in the, Online German Emigration Records, Lists and Indexes, Emigrants to and from Germany from the 18th to the 20th century, Deutsche Auswanderer-Datenbank (German Emigrants Database), Transcribed Ships Manifests Departing from Germany, Register of German military men who remained in Canada after the American Revolution, Le Havre - some passengers found in the crew lists 1750-1775, Hamburg Passenger Lists, Handwritten Indexes, 1855-1934, New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924, Bremen, Germany, Passenger Lists Index, 1907-1939, United States Immigration Online Genealogy Records, UK, Selected Records Relating to Kindertransport (USHMM), Palestine, Illegal Immigration from German-Occupied Europe, 1938-1945 (USHMM), Index of Jewish Displaced Person and Refugee Cards, 1943-1959, Free Access: Africa, Asia and Europe, Passenger Lists of Displaced Persons, 1946-1971, Auswandererkartei mit Familienangehrigen, 1750-1943, Auswandererkartei der Deutschen nach Ungarn und Ruland, 1750-1805 (Emigration index of Germans in, Kartei der Auswanderer nach Ungarn, 1750-1945 (Index of emigrants to, Auswanderungsakten, 1806-1920, Stuttgart (Wrttemberg), Registres des migrs, 1817-1866, (Alsace emigration index), Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach China und Nordamerika: 1870-1945, Auswandererkartei der Rulanddeutschen, 1929-1930, Kartei von Deutschen Experten im Ausland, 1935-1945, Auswanderung aus Sdwestdeutschland, (Emigrants of, Ancestor Search, Palatine German Ship Passenger Lists to PA, Swiss and German Mennonite immigrants from the Palatinate, 1704-1717, Palatine Children Apprenticed by Gov. From 1850 to 1891, 41 percent of German and east European emigrants left via the port of Bremen (Germany), 30 percent via Hamburg (Germany), 16 percent via Le Havre (France), 8 percent via Antwerp (Belgium), and 5 percent via several ports in the Netherlands. Goethe 7 July Clementine 18 January History. Eutaw 15 September Gustav 7 May SS Main 6 October, 1878 Their nearest rival was the Cunard Line, which in 1906 landed in New York from its British and its Mediterranean services 107,790 steerage passengers.In 1906-07 the two German lines handled approximately one fourth the total American immigration. Eutaw 15 September Isabella 28 August Alfred 30 October But, as the German emigration died down, the Hapag and Lloyd concluded a treaty with the other continental transatlantic lines, whereby the German lines were to have the transportation of East European emigrants to the United States. Ship Olbers 21 January . to retrieve any portion of the site. Luise 3 January Elizabeth Bruce 12 November German Research: Hansel and Gretel: Finding our German ancestors' trail home, Internet Resources for Finding 19th Century German Emigrants, Germany - Emigration and immigration - Indexes, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach),, Dozens of other published emigrant lists are listed in the Place Search of the. Kammonham Roy 18 August Moreover, Hamburg was learning from Bremen how to and attract emigrants. Stephani 14 October Diana 3 June Rebecca 9 September Details for immigrant ship arrivals at the Port of Galveston, Texas between the years 1865 and 1896. Europa 18 January Sophie 19 August However, rights to view these data are limited by contract and subject to change. A P Sharp 12 November Brig Anna Louisa 31 July The records of departures from these ports are called passenger lists. In 1935, Bremen became a regular city at the de facto abolition of statehood of all component German states within the Third Reich. Constitution 15 November Mercur 24 August Sophie 16 June SS Berlin 2 May Brarens 18 January Diana 21 November Garonne 21 August Louise 17 May Copernicus 18 December Sarah Ann 6 October Keep track of your research in a research log. Mauran 11 November Timoleon 22 November Steamer New York 13 May Louise 12 October Everhard 30 December Post 23 June Bremen 21 November Ship Johannes 3 November Everhard 25 May Pioneer 21 September Charlemagne 15 July [2] Fitger: Die wirtschaftliche und technische Entwicklung der Seeschiffahrt, 1903, page 19. Isabella 28 August Agnes 29 December Vesper 13 September Bashan 3 November N W Stevens 23 October Elise 8 September Bremen 4 December With the exception of 2,953 passenger lists for the year 1920-1939 all other lists were lost in World War II. These records are discussed further in Germany Population Records. Bark Eliza Thornton 30 October 1845 Elizabeth 15 January It accounts, in large measure, for instance, for the concentration in Bremen of the European trade in American cotton and tobacco. Its subsidy amounts to 1,350,000 marks per year and a considerable part of its service is performed by the Hapag. SS Berlin 2 May General Veazie 8 November Mauran 11 November Elise 8 September Devonshire 18 November Arab 8 September Louise 10 October Stephani 3 June For help reading these records see: The following information may be found in these records: It is helpful to know at least one of the following: Compare each result from your search with what you know to determine if there is a match. Constitution 23 June President 17 July Post 23 June Howard 22 October Herschel 15 August Friedrich Jacob 16 June Friedrich Leo 2 August Brig Ivanhoe 31 July, 1836 Southern and western Germans tended to emigrate through the ports of Bremen or Le Havre. Josephine 8 November On June 19, 1858, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon; the "Bremen" left the wharf at Bremerhaven on her maiden voyage to New York, carrying 100 tons of freight, 1 cabin and 93- steerage passengers. The new Edward Carr line and the old Hamburg shipowner, Robert Sloman, who had instituted as early as 1849 an emigrant sailing line to New York, united to form the Union Steamship Company, which fought the Hapags line to New York.
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