It the single most powerful emotion that can both make and break a person. But people who fall in love are in many episodes away from the cleansed and pure atmosphere. To prove my point, lets take a trip back in time, all the way back to Adam (Peace be upon him). The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". They are not the end of everything. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Its worth noting that this dua is entirely halal and sourced from the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Learn how your comment data is processed. Now my whats app is not working, so I tell Here that my issue is solved. If you have ever wondered why the Shariah prohibits pre-marital relationships, its because of the risk it puts the couple in. When Khadeejah (May Allah be pleased with her) witnessed the Prophet s behavior, she knew instantly that he is the one. After some time passes by, you may become aware of the wisdom behind the situation. Thus, you must strive to emulate the attributes of God which the Holy Quran describes. It is for this reason that servants and workers love the kings, royals and rulers they serve, because they have inculcated the habit of working for their sake and serving them , In like manner, man should act in accordance with Gods pleasure. Now I m madly in love with him.I Want him in life and i want him to get marry with me .Please do something for me. Life is filled with ups and downs, and there are times where our trials seem unending. What are limitations set by Islam in regard to Love? I felt new, and even when things people see as bad happen, I find beauty in it and I always smile, I became strong that till date nothing shakes because I know Allah is aware, and that the more Allah loves you the more he tests you, I feel so happy even when things are rough because I know its Allahs love for me (His Diamond). The daily hustle and bustle, people around me, social media stress, and the noises in my head. The following question was asked, and it comes up quite a lot: What if someone doesnt seem to be going through any major trials, and in fact, they are being blessed with abundance. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him . At the end of the day, your child needs a home to come back to, and that home lies only with the parents. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Having sabr withblessings is also shown by utilising the good things Allah gave us if it is money, do we spend it freely in the way of Allah, or do we hold back? Aslam walikum First of all thank you Molana shaib my love of life with me because of you. A poet once said, "How can you disobey Allah subhaanahu wa ta'aala and you claim that you love Allah subhaanahu wa ta'aala." This is a very unique way of understanding. Every dua is kept back until you send blessings upon me.. Yeh dua meri kaam aa sakti hai kya agar woh ladka mujhe qareeb se na jaanta ho? As they grow, they will transform based on their associates. Unlike a non-marital relationship, marriage is built on commitment, trust, and loyalty. By doing it you show that you truly want Allah to be involved in your decision making and you want Him to assure you. It has been 2 years and I thought my feelings for her would diminish over time but they have not. Read: Powerful Islamic Wazifa For Love Back. One means to attain divine love is to study nature and to reflect upon ways of attaining love and then to act upon them. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. The second means to attract divine love is to reflect and deliberate upon the divine attributes, which, in Sufi terminology, is called fikr. Allah is the creator and maintainer of the universe. May Allah ease your pain and guide you to His good pleasure. Watch This Video About Dua To Make Someone Love You, How To Make Dua For Someone You Love (To Love You). O Allah, that which you have provided me of what I love, make it strong for me in that which you love. The Prophet replied, "What have you prepared for it?". Remember nothing in this life lasts forever, so the, Allah does not burden any soul beyond what it can bear [. When it shines, there is no denying it. Just make sure you take your love in the right direction. So "ease" is no less of a test of our faith, especially when we remember that Iblis vowed to use ingratitude as a means to lead us astray (see Qur'an 7: 16-17 ). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Islam is a religion of love and peace. So instead of seeing tests as a punishment from Allah, this shows that in fact, Allah wants to save us from punishment i.e. Life before Amaliah, over on our podcast, Amaliah Voices, Rizq-Allah will provide from sources you cannot imagine. The whole point of the existence of both good and evil is the test. If you think you have found yours already, commit to them and speak to the elders. One means to attain divine love is that one should try to make Allah a shield in every matter and issue. Islam encourages love marriages and it forbids forceful marriages then no matter if parents are the one who force their children to marry with the one of their choice. This tells us something very important, which is that he is a loving God, beyond our imaginations ability to fathom! Some may rebel, some may become quiet, some may develop a temper. There are five such Maqsads, which are: For the purpose of protecting ones dignity, we are forbidden from engaging in any pre-marital relationships. I just wanted to know that should I recite surah ar rahman ten times?or should I recite verse 1 to 10 of surah ar rahman? You cannot become (the Living), but you can emulate this attribute by healing and attending to the sick. It is akin to throwing mud in the air; inevitably, some mud falls back upon oneself. I am from Bangladesh plzz check your WhatsApp or email sir i need your help. It isnt wrong to fall for a gorgeous smile. Recite and reflect over the verses of the Quran, because the Quran is a healing for the heart, and thats why we must try getting Shifah from the Quran. NikahExplorer, Inc., All rights reserved. Someone who is able to love without any restrictions. Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as), Love for All, Hatred for None. InshaAllah, The mercy of Allah will shower on you, and the one you want to fall in love with will beclosetoyou. The great fruits of the love of Allah for His slave are as follows: 1. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. For more knowledge, you can seek guidance from our big Molana. Its easy to rebel and defy Allah when you cannot see Him. Worship includes utmost love and utmost humility and submission. This is because you wont always have the time to figure a person out. For the person who, at the very least, superficially entrusts their affairs to Allah, acknowledges Allahs powers and favours; this superficiality eventually becomes genuine, as is the case with most matters in the world. O Allah, that which you have provided me of what Ilove, make it strong for me in that which youlove. Islam allows love; in fact it says that if you hear a woman or a man is of good character, virtues, and knowledge then you should marry that person. Does God love you? However, it is essential to remember that these obstacles can be overcome with the guidance of Quran Paak and the support of our Molana Ashif Ali Khan. Follow this instruction with complete faith in Allah SWT regularly for 15 days without any gap. He told Adam that as long as man turns to Him in repentance, that He will let it go, even if your sins reached the clouds of the sky, or as great as the Earth, that He will forgive. But those who believe are stronger in love for Allah . What you think about and what you do are things you can control, and are morally responsible for before Allah. However, when you find faithful love, you know its in your heart. And Allah knows best. So being tested with abundance does not necessarily mean that person is less beloved to Allah, they are just being tested differently. Everything that the Divine decides is perfect and balanced. You can follow the given steps to increase the effects:-. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told us: If Allah loves a person, He calls Gabriel, saying, Allah loves so and so, O Gabriel love him., So Gabriel would love him and then would make an announcement in the Heavens: Allah has loved so and-so therefore you should love him also., So all the dwellers of the Heavens would love him, and then he is granted the pleasure of the people on the earth. (Al-Bukhari). But ask yourself, how can something that doesnt please Allah ever bring any good to your life? Allah did not leave you. And Allah loves the Patient. [Quran 3: 146]. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Finally, if there is a soft voice at the back of your head that is wondering if you have the energy it takes to tolerate that person on a daily basis, then you are not in love. O Allah, that which you have removed of what Ilove, then make it a free space for me for that which youlove.. It means that we as Muslims are allowed to see goodness in people with the intentions to marry him or her. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 195: And spend in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said : "The similitude of the one who remembers (glorifies the praises of his Lord) in comparison to the one who does not remember his Lord is like that of the living and the dead." [Al-Bukhari]. The man said, "Nothing, except that I love Allah and His Apostle.". I request you to put your life in perspective. From what I have seen among most non-Muslim cultures and religions when they fall in love, they start dating. To give you an idea of the number of angels there are that are ordered to love you, we can find that in the hadith where the Prophet described the Much-Frequented House (al-Bayt al-Mamoor) in the seventh heaven: Then I was taken up to the Much-Frequented House: every day seventy thousand angels visit it and leave, never returning to it again, another [group] coming after them. (Muslim). And I began to feel very peaceful. Allah Says about the believers, (what means): "He loves them and they love Him," [Quran 5:54] and the Prophet said: " A man would not have attained .
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