Fish are often "seen as low-maintenance pets" until people realize just how much work needs to be put into 2 Pugs. Ashley Peeling, regional marketing manager at property management company CLV Group, is a huge advocate for this tank-based household pet. Lives 5 to 8 years. 20 Baby Boomer Names That Are at Risk of Going Extinct, Nakhorn Yuangkratoke / EyeEm/ Getty Images, Alan Tunnicliffe Photography/Getty Images. Being active and playful requires a variety of toys to keep them busy, especially chewing gum. While showing your pet some love with occasional table scraps wont hurt them, owners need to maintain a high-quality, nutritious diet for their breakfast monsters. They need a lot of love, attention, and affection. Our list of the cheapest pets some of whom just require food and water includes animals such as insects, reptiles, freshwater fish, and even a crustacean. Leopard geckos tend to be the most commonly available pet geckos, but house geckos This one is probably an easy pick for the kids. Mama pigs even sing for their pigs! Its no accident that their good names have become almost synonymous with eating something. Leopard geckos tend to be the most commonly available pet geckos, but house geckos She lives free in the flat and reaches her cage for drinking, relieving herself, or sleeping. Hermit Crabs: $535. Adults grow to up to 4 inches plus a 4-inch tail. 4. Hamsters are relatively small, being only 5 to 7 inches long. Dik Dik. There's one catch: They do best in pairs because they're extremely social critters. Leopard geckos make a great pet for reptile enthusiasts. A hermit crab will need a 10 gallon tank filled with plenty of sand to burrow in and other items to provide stimulation such as tree branches. Hermit crabsare alow-commitment pet. Two to eight (rarely) young babies are born in the spring or summer after about a month of gestation. For the most part, hamsters do well on their own. An important thing to consider is that while a single rat may be cheap, these intelligent and social animals absolutely need to have a same-sex buddy to avoid loneliness and depression. Chinchillas are small rodents with playful personalities. Not only that, but these reptiles can live up to 20 years or more as pets, so they're perfect if you're not looking to say goodbye to your animal too soon. Degu: $1020. Monkeys are exciting, but a significant downside is they need a lot of mental stimulation and exercise. Their cage needs are not too demanding: about 2 cubic feet per rat. These guys live for four to five years and relish the companionship of a fellow cavy (another name for a guinea pig) in their space. Let's face it, dogs aren't ever really low-maintenance pets. (But they can also be left to their own devices.) According to the pros at Pet Helpful, African dwarf frogs are aquatic amphibians which means they live underwater, so making sure theyre living in clean, filtered water is paramount. Pet goats require little to no grooming however they can be destructive to fences and gardens and can call loudly, which neighbours may find a nuisance, British animal charity the RSPCA warns. Most are social animals that want to keep you company. If you're not against keeping spiders as pets, a tarantula might be a good addition to your family. Green Iguana: $1525. Their intelligence and bizarre personality make them an interesting and loving addition to their family. The team at Star Milling Co. provides the best nutrition for our pet parents and their products, such as piglets. They can easily adapt to any environment but do need a yard. Lianne McLeod, DVM, is a small animal and exotic pet expert with over a decade of experience writing about veterinary care. While they are skittish, they can be tamed if handled regularly and hand-fed. Sea monkeys live up to two years and only need to be fed once a week. So, you have a fifth grader who is finally learning about metamorphosis, what better way to show them the process than to get some caterpillars for the home. Still, praying mantises are cool to look at, it's fun to watch them feed, and, on the list of easiest pets, they rank right up there. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb, Pets aren't limited to furry creatures or fish. Let's face it, dogs aren't ever really low-maintenance pets. The leopard gecko is a surprisingly friendly and sociable choice for a pet. They are naturally calm, friendly, friendly, and intelligent as well as timid! Both young and older children love them, they need virtually none of your time, and, unlike dogs, cats, and most of the other creatures on this list, don't require a pet-sitter when you leave town. The very essence of a turtle is to be cool, calm and collected, and maintaining them is just as easy. Hermit crabs are interesting to watch; they move from one shell to another. Also, since they are natural predators, it may take some time to make friends with other animals in the house. Their diet consists of small bits of apples, carrots, and cucumbers with chalk, egg shells, or cuttlefish bone for calcium to "strengthen your snails' shells." "I got a dwarf rabbit upon the insistent and repeated requests of my children to have an animal," he says. These spiny little animals need to be fed and cared for in the evening hours so make the perfect companion for night owls. While everyone knows what a porcupine is, many have not seen or heard of the funny-looking, tree-dwelling, 2. Ferrets, hands down, are the most sociable small pets. Know which species you can keep in your town or city before bringing them home. Hamsters are small and low-maintenance and can entertain themselves with a wheel or other toys. They fill their cheekbones with seeds and nuts and take them to a borough where they are stored for later use. These small rodents typically live for five or six years and only require a cage, some bedding, food, and water. The animals themselves are inexpensive, and it's fun to buy young ones and watch as they grow. Ferrets love to play with humans and each other. In addition to mice, Dumerils Boas like to eat small rabbits and fowl. They can live longer depending on goldfish type, the size of the tank, and how often their water is Their vision is surprisingly sharp and allows them to distinguish between people it will eventually learn who you are, so don't be surprised if a day comes when your fish swims over to ask for food when you're nearby. Chickens are omnivores and eat anything from fruits, vegetables, grains and even food scraps. A hedgehog is not related to porcupines or not a rodent, they are in a sub-family known as insectivore. 1. Goldfish are active all day and make the perfect viewing shelf pet that is absolutely low maintenance for any pet owner. Web1. The 21 Most Low-Maintenance Pets You Can Own, I got a dwarf rabbit upon the insistent and repeated requests of my children to have an animal," he says. A classic easy first pet, a goldfish is an animal that adds life and beauty to the room without requiring much attention, time or Leopard Geckos: $20 to $70. Daily food fees are minimal, but fish need a proper tank and setup costs about $100. Bearded dragon In addition, they need a large terrarium with pure water, fruits, and vegetables every day. They are low maintenance, only need food every other day or so, and do not mind if you are not around much. Smith Collection/Gado /Getty Images 13. 12 Best Exotic Pets for Apartment Living. Goats are low maintenance and eat grass, hay, grain and pellet feed. For small children or those looking for a beginners pet, a pack of sea monkeys could be the perfect first pet. As with other animals, it's important that you conduct thorough research and talk to appropriate experts before you adopt a low-maintenance pet because these little guys are just as worthy of all the love you can give. If youre not committed to having a pet for the long haul, their lifespanfrom caterpillar to fully formed butterflyis only six to eight months. They only grow an average of one-and-a-half inches and live up to five years, according to the pros at Petco. They are enchanting, cheap, and low maintenance. Let's face it, dogs aren't ever really low-maintenance pets. WebHermit crabs are one of those small pets that are not very common, but nevertheless quite well mannered, insanely cheap, and make for great pets. Rats are friendly, quiet, and intelligent animals. After buying a multilevel cage ($50 to $150) and some other supplies ($100), you can expect to pay between $65 and $125 yearly on food for each degu (guinea pig food works fine), depending on its appetite. A 15- to 20-gallon tank can easily hold two to three leopard geckos, and they have a normal diet of crickets, wax worms, and mealworms. They like the thrill of the chase and constricting their prey on their own. The corn snake is fairly docile, only grows two to five feet in length and primarily eats small rodents. Butterflies are a pretty sight to see outside, but they're also a good insect for inside your home. In terms of food, their diet consists of bloodworms, brine shrimp, and frozen mysis shrimp. These crabs can be kept in a humid, five gallon-terrarium. If the lifespan of a turtle intimidates you, go with a hermit crab instead! These fuzzballs often whistle, purr, and squeal to express emotions, which makes them one of the best choices for people who like to know their pets are happy. That means sweet little piglets are friends for life. A Budgerigar perched on a branch in Queensland, Australia. The plants aren't too difficult to raise, requiring minimal space, consistent sunlight, and a special type of soil (less than $10 for a gallon), and are inexpensive when bought young. These guys are great if you need a pet to bring some zen into the space. They like to chillax in a tropical habitat and love to eat crickets and worms. Youll want to keep their habitat on the warmer side, along with a shallow saltwater dish where they can soak in. No, this isnt something out of Harry Potter, but actually a popular pet lizard. Once they've outgrown one shell you'll need to buy their next, larger shell a small cost. Mmm. Blacker says they can live off a "diet of blackberries, oak, rose, and ivy.". Axolotl: $1535. Budgerigar. In addition to mice, Dumerils Boas like to eat small rabbits and fowl. So before you decide or take the decision to bring one into your home, make sure you research caring for a potty pig. Can you imagine an easier pet to care for than a snail? A hedgehog is not related to porcupines or not a rodent, they are in a sub-family known as insectivore. 3. They are also quiet and require little space and attention. The best part about this pet is that most butterfly species feed on just a mixture of sugar and water. Green Iguana: $1525. Forget the myth of pigs being dirty and dumb. 5. With gentle handling from a young age, they can bond closely with you. For the most part, they're just a pet you observeno need to take it for a daily walk. Reptiles like smaller lizards and snakes are not as social as mammals, but they can be good for small spaces. Physical Characteristics: Short tails, stubby legs, and small ears; color variations include black, grey, brown, white, yellow, red, or a mixture of several colors. Another low-key pet! The small, spotted creatures may be shy at first, but after some love and care they'll sweeten up to your touch, just like other pets. They are in the rodent family and eat an omnivorous diet. Many frog species don't need much space, so they are an ideal choice for small apartments. If you're looking for a new companion and aren't in the market for a dog, or even if you already have a dog and are considering another pet, its a good idea to consider a low-maintenance pet. Learn more about the anole 2. They don't need much cage spacea 15- to 20-gallon tank should doso they're a good option if you don't have room for an elaborate vivarium setup. Spotted Genet. Fruits, vegetables, and cat or dog food are young, healthy, in a good mood, and perfect. Lizard species that are good for beginners include leopard geckos, crested geckos, house geckos, bearded dragons, and anoles. So whether you're looking for something that makes sense for your kids, for your working parent lifestyle, or for the limitations of your apartment, these are the low-maintenance pets you should consider taking home. 12 Best Exotic Pets for Apartment Living. A scorpion crawls along the ground at the Scorpion Kingdom laboratory and farm in Egypt's Western Desert. Dik Dik. These animals, among the easiest of their species to own, live for about eight to 15 years and are relatively inexpensive compared with other popular pet birds such as parrots. To cut your start-up costs, adopt a rescue hamster and pick up a second-hand cage on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. Chinchillas prefer warm temperatures, enjoy dust baths, and need a balanced feeding routine to have shoots and good quality grass straw. Top 13 Best Pets To Have At Home Or In An Apartment. And since their hair isn't as long as other cats', they only need to be brushed two to three times a week to get rid of loose hair. They also don't require a lot of water but will need to have a bit of it around. Anoles can live more than five years and grow up to 8 inches long. Tarantulas are quiet and typically only need a 10- to 20-gallon aquarium to thrive. Examples of animals that you can have as pets include Bearded Dragons, Budgies, Asian Palm Civet, Chacoan Maras, and Garden Eels. They are great for apartment living since they make no noise, are hypoallergenic, and low-maintenance. Sidenote: Male betta fish should be kept alone since they tend to get territorial with each other, but the ladies can cohabitate. A decorated tank setup costs $20 to $35 and yearly food costs can be as low as $25. Hedgehogs do not need a vast cage;a good size for an enclosure is at least 2 feet by 3 feet. She has worked with airlines and the Centers for Disease Control to improve pet travel through veterinary oversight. But at the same time, she is quite funny, curious, and very interested when something new happens at home.". Most kids end up having hamsters as childhood pets because they're more low-maintenance than other animals. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and a Master of Science in Plant Biology from Ohio University. They are not too fussy when it comes to sharing space and can get along with your other little sea creatures. 3. According to Lianne McLeod, DVM, with The Spruce Pets,their bodies only grow from one inch to six inches, and in captivity, they only have a life expectancy of up to one year. They spend most of their time sleeping or laying still and require infrequent feeding. Primary diet consists of hay, pellets, fruit, vegetables and Vitamin C supplements. 3. Lifespan, Chinchillas as Pet How Long do Chinchillas Live as Good Pets, Crested Gecko Tank Size and Setup ! Sea monkeys only need to be fed every five to seven days and outside of ensuring that their tank is in great conditions, you dont have to worry about them. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); Riley Children's Health at Indiana University. Read our, 8 Best Talking Bird Species to Keep as Pets, 11 Easiest Fish to Take Care Of For Beginners, These 7 Birds Make the Best Pets for Kids, 10 Best Tarantula Species to Keep as Pets. Binturong. The domesticated Budgerigar is the most popular of all pet bird species, according to BirdLife International. Whether you want to own an exotic animal or something more common, there are more pets available than ever before. The 21 Most Low-Maintenance Pets You Can Own 1 Betta fish. Unlike many other lizards and reptiles, the leopard gecko is a friendly and sociable choice for a pet. You will need to make sure your home is ferret-proofed to prevent escapes or unsafe hiding spots (like in the oven). A classic easy first pet, a goldfish is an animal that adds life and beauty to the room without requiring much attention, time or Leopard Geckos: $20 to $70. The domesticated Budgerigar is the most popular of all pet bird species, according to BirdLife International. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Web1. Degus can be found for around $25 to $40 each from a shelter and around $80 to $100 each from a breeder. Plus, their diet consists of small pellet or powdered food. This British Shorthair Cat can groom and wash itself and moults far less than other cats. Goldfish tend to be messy, so make sure you're cleaning their living spaces frequently. Pig Dirty This idea cant stay far from the truth. Cheapism may earn a commission if you buy through a link on our site. Hermit crabs are the quintessential low-maintenance pets since the sand at the bottom of their tanks only needs to be changed three times a yearweekly scooping is recommended, however. A corn snake is displayed in a vivarium in Sasali natural life park in Izmir. Rats (the ones that dont live in the subway tracks) are small, affectionate and easy to take care of since all you need is a well-ventilated cage, some toys and appropriate food. Physical Characteristics: Large, black eyes and bushy tails; luxuriously soft; silver, yellow-gray, bluish-gray, white, beige and black fur. As McLeod explained to The Spruce Pets, they have a docile nature that makes them easy to get along with and play with, but they also don't need a lot in terms of care. Another low-key pet! There are plenty of types of turtles out there to consider for a petapproximately 270 to be exact, according to PetMD. They make no noise and are relatively easy to care for. "I must say I'm quite pleased with the rabbit. The praying mantis is great for people who don't want to make a fuzzy, emotional connection with their new pet. The fur is reddish-brown and is broken by five brownish brown stripes running down the length of the body. Goldfish can live for more than 20 years, have a memory span of at least three months, and can be taught to perform tricks. Physical Characteristics: Cone-shaped faces, short legs, bodies covered in spikey hair called spines (looks like porcupine quills), can roll into a ball. Hamsters are relatively small, being only 5 to 7 inches long. These little guys are the quintessential pick for people who want to have something to look at without having to constantly interact. They eat a varied diet of fruit, vegetables and grains. They cheat along the ground but are also expert mountaineers. Amazon Tree Boa The Amazon tree boa is a stunning snake with a need to climb! Their habitat needs to be frequently changed, but other than that, make sure they get some exercise outside their cage and youre good to go. Primary diet consists of hay, pellets, fruit, vegetables and Vitamin C supplements. However, if you choose to get a tortoise you must be diligent about their diets as some species require a fair amount of vegetables, while certain breeds of turtles eat meat. They are social and do best when placed with other hermit crabs if their tank is spacious enough. 1. If you want a cute, cuddly pet, but aren't ready to commit to a pup, consider a rabbit instead. Most allergy sufferers can live comfortably with a hamster in the house. Hamsters are easy to tame with regular handling. Although they make excellent pets for beginners, Bearded Dragons have specialized diets composed of fruit, vegetables, and insects. Many people allow their rabbits to roam free in their homes, which is a good way for them to get exercise. However, when you're a busy person, it's just not possible to spend every waking moment looking after a pet. He recommends buying a five-gallon aquarium kit, which is a perfect size for betta fish. Leopard geckos are nocturnal meaning they're less active during the day and unlike other reptiles, don't require UV light bulbs, but do need an incandescent bulb and possibly a heat pad, depending on temperatures in your home or apartment. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. All they need is a cage, fresh water (which can be distributed with a drinking bottle on the side of the cage), hamster food (alongside small pieces of fruits and veggies), and a hamster wheel for them to play and exercise on. With their pincers and a venomous stinger, it doesn't take an expert to see that scorpions make for a look-but-don't-touch kind of pet for most so also one of the best choices for pet owners who don't want a lot of affection or have time to give it. Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, should live alone and usually live for three to five years. Exotic pets are often compact, quiet, and don't require outdoor space, making them ideal pets for apartment living since they don't bother nearby neighbors or damage your home. Green Iguana: $1525. Once they have all that, they don't need much else. A rat doesn't seem like the most cuddly choice, but if handled from a young age they can make very affable companions. Hermit Crabs: Less Than $10. Male, The teeth of male pigs grow throughout their lives, much like hamster teeth, and require regular shaping by their veterinarian to keep them in top shape. 1. The 20 Least Expensive Pets to Own. Lives up to three years. Not for the faint of heart, but snakes can make for very easy pets to have around the house. Hermit Crabs: $535. They like to chillax in a tropical habitat and love to eat crickets and worms. Generally, pets that require a large enclosure and outside-of-cage time like parrots need a space more extensive than a small apartment for free-flying. A second liter, usually small, is often produced in the long summer region. Many snakes are hesitant to accept thawed frozen mice. African Dwarf Frogs Examples of animals that you can have as pets include Bearded Dragons, Budgies, Asian Palm Civet, Chacoan Maras, and Garden Eels. Their small size and relatively easy care make them perfect for smallerhomes. These animals are a pet that requires little maintenance and space. They dont require too much spacea 15-to 20-gallon tank will do the trickand they feed on crickets, wax worms and meal worms. But one thing to note is that turtles can live for a while. Primates often fulfill their enrichment requirements by destroying property or wreaking havoc in your house. Goldfish are active all day and make the perfect viewing shelf pet that is absolutely low maintenance for any pet owner. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { 4 Low-Maintenance Rodent Pets 1. Temperatures of 80 to 85 degrees can be maintained using a tank heater or a heat lamp. All you need to do, according to Allie Layos of Wide Open Pets, is keep a temperature of somewhere between 60 to 70 degrees, cover the ants at night, give them sufficient water with either a damp cotton ball or a few drops, and provide foods like small pieces of fruits and vegetables. Just pour a packet containing salt, conditioner, and brine shrimp eggs into a tank of water, and wait a few days for the little crustaceans to hatch. 1. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach-Watermelon-Blueberries-Cucumbers-Celery-Lettuce? To accommodate their playful nature, provide them with a large cage. Behind this cotton will be the ant queen and her offspring. Cats are notoriously independent. WebGuinea Pig. With an ant farm, the ants do most of the work. Their short, smooth, glossy coat needs minimal maintenance and their smaller size means they don't require hours of walking a day, the American Kennel Club says. Chipmunks are not low-maintenance pets, but they are great companions. And in terms of diet, they have a variety of foods they eat: fruit flies, smaller mantids, moths, house flies, and the occasional cricket or mealworm if your mantid is larger. They live in various forest species, from woodpecker and rock-bound alpine meadows to coniferous and deciduous forests to dry shrubs and sagebrush deserts. } JP, owner of beloved Instagram pug Aji, says that pugs are one of the easiest dog breeds to own. And their life span is roughly two years, which is also an ideal length. Youll want to keep their habitat on the warmer side, along with a shallow saltwater dish where they can soak in. A hedgehog is not related to porcupines or not a rodent, they are in a sub-family known as insectivore. Binturong. Leopard and house geckos are among the best choices for reptile pets, especially for beginners. } ); Pet ownership is wonderful, but many people don't have the space or budget for a larger, more expensive furry friend. ". Although dogs are usually a lot more high-maintenance and costly than other pets, pugs are a fairly low-maintenance and economical choice. They need a lot of love, attention, and affection. They make good apartment dwellers since they are clean and relatively odor-free. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { 3. These dont necessarily add to the dynamic of your home, but its nice to know theyre there. Youll want to keep their habitat on the warmer side, along with a shallow saltwater dish where they can soak in. Some male frogs sing, so they'renot a completely quiet pet, but the sound is not loud enough to offend the neighbors.
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