The movie was filmed across a variety of locations across Europe, primarily in Romania, France, Italy, and Spain. One of Darlie's non-supporters uploaded a video of him having a chat with Barbara Jovell about this very thing. From Britney Spears conservatorship and Janet Jacksons Super Bowl scandal to social media influencers and even the popularity of vapingthis documentary series covers it all. If she was just seeking attention, it would make more sense to call the police the very next day upon hearing about the murders. The CPR is taking place in the Roman room (family room, den, whatever you want to call it), which is toward the back of the house, past the kitchen area. They were desperately trying to get oxygen flowing into him so that he would not be brain damaged if he were to be revived. His reply cannot be heard; he may have answered non-verbally with a nod, but he's in the room with Darlie when she asks the question. I hope its the garage door to a new life for her. Darlie Routier (DMN File) By. I believe she remembers bits and pieces and everything is out of order; I also believe she herself isn't even sure of what memories are real, and what has been confabulated. . Darlie Routier is a American woman from Texas. Within 20 minutes, he decided that the crime scene was staged and the perpetrator was someone in the house. He says "what mother wouldn't run upstairs to see for herself that the baby was unharmed" so that right there settles it, S Clemmons is definitely a man. This is the same officer, by the way, who neglected to collect several bloody towels as evidence, but for some reason retrieved as evidence paperwork on a funeral and headstone for a cat that had died the previous summer. A song about violence and death at the funeral of two slain little boys? This is an account of the events surrounding the murders, including home videos and footage of a police interview. As for the accomplices that were with Tim Harris, if they get one of them to talk, I bet that they will throw Harris directly under the bus. The main focus was on Devon, who was not breathing. He was treated, evaluated, and it was determined that he was not a serious suicide risk. And, is that when you looked at the clock? Keep This Between Us is a documentary that exposes a horrifying epidemic of high school teachers grooming their studentstold through the lens of a female victim and her relationship with a teacher she once trusted. Select the file type(s) below you would like to bundle in your downloadable package. The prosecution asserted that Darlie had enough time to commit the murders, run 75 yards down the alley to deposit the sock daubed with Devon's and Damon's blood, run back to the house, slash her throat, inflict her other injuries, and stage the scene. So why the discrepancies? State's exhibit 85-J, the unidentified fingerprint found in blood at the crime scene, was recently uploaded into the system after years of fighting. . During the trial, the character assassination of Darlie Routier continued when several of the nurses who treated her in the hospital were called to testify. Darlie has been paying for that womans sins for 23 years now. When it comes to courtroom trials, it's not about the truth, or even what you can prove. I do not know who specifically moved the vacuum cleaner, but I'm fairly certain I know why: It was in someone's way. And why did neither Darlie nor Darin mention it at all, if it was part of the "staging"? What was once a staple clothing brand has become a relic of the past. is a true-crime documentary surrounding Randy Herman, Jr. and the murder he committed while he was fast asleepor so he claims. Take a deep dive into the chaotic rise and fall of Adam Naumanns company, WeWork a series of co-working spaces he believed would change the world. Baby Drake had fallen asleep about 10 . The photos were shown for the sole purpose of eviscerating an emotional response. This means that Damon had to have been stabbed within about a minute before the 911 call began. . Discover never-before-seen in-depth interviews with McCartney where he discusses creation and inspiration for his music that became the soundtrack of our generation. Ultimately, on February 1, 1997, Darlie was convicted for the murder of her 5-year-old son, Damon. Apparently, while she was attacking the first child, the other one was just sleeping through it peacefully, or was quietly and patiently waiting for his turn. And, you're telling this jury that it was 2:40 when Darin started to yell? Sucker!". attention has called this conviction. Stray is a truly unique documentary that uses three stray dogs roaming the streets of Istanbul to tell stories of the city through their eyes and innocent point of view. Q. Darin was too busy trying to resuscitate Devon, so he's not the one who got them out. Her wounds were superficial & she didn't know what/where carotid was. Darlie Routier: The Unknown Intruder Theory In an earlier post to this sub, I asked those who believe that Darlie Routier is innocent to provide an alternative theory of the crime. Waddell stated that he approached the man, gun drawn, and asked Darin to identify himself. What I do fault him for is his perjury and outright character assassination of Darlie during his testimony. In the summer of 1996, Darlie Routier fell under the shadow of suspicion in the murder of her young sons. that uses behind-the-scenes footage taken by Frye herself to show exactly what it was like growing up in Hollywood in the 90s. However, after reading all of the incident reports from the guards on duty that day, the affidavits of the inmate witnesses, and his three prior suicide attempts, I am satisfied that his death was indeed a suicide. Darin was proud of his attractive young wife, and he succeeded in turning her into his version of the perfect woman. In the book, Cruz describes how Darlie received a letter in 1998 from an inmate at another facility. So they were never questioned or looked into at all? It should be noted that not every nurse who treated Darlie was called to testify. 16/06/2022 . One of them is Darlie Lynn Peck Routier, who was . She was in and out of consciousness, and for the time that she was conscious, she would have been in fight-or-flight mode. They break into what they think is an empty house and come upon the family room. It has always amused me that Guilters so readily dismiss Rickels as a liar or a hysterical little woman who imagined the whole incident because she was watching a horror flick. Q. Presented by Ahmir Questlove Thompson, Summer of Soul is part music film and part Black history documentary. Until that happens, I steadfastly maintain my position that an innocent woman has been sitting on death row for over two decades, while Dwayne, a recent parolee, is sitting back laughing at how he got away with murderand at everyone who believes in Darlie's guilt. Through open records, Quinncy was able to obtain police reports and information on Arkansas's known associates. Suppose he had trouble sleeping and came down the stairs for a glass of water while she was doing all this? Unfortunately, there is very little information available regarding Potter's affidavit and the circumstances leading up to her filing it. Because the first guy brought his own knife, which is what he used to cut the screen (we'll get to the bread knife later). I would probably roll my eyes at the conspiracy claim, too if this happened in any other state. If the DNA matches the suspect or suspects, an arrest should be imminent. Did you tell Detective Waddell that you had been fighting with the man there at the island area? One replied that he did not; the other replied he remembered seeing it, but wasn't sure if it was there when he first came in or if it was later when he did a walk through. When Darlie began to scream for Darin, he ducked into the darkness of the formal dining room, where he waited for his chance to make a break for it. I know the police wanted his bloody clothing while he was at the hospital, and he was given scrubs to wear. The print could only have been left while the blood was still wet, meaning that whoever left it was present at the time of the murders. They found DNA from a black male on the sock found in the ally. Her sons, Devon and Damon, wanted to stay up and watch a movie, and she slept downstairs with them because their newborn, Drake, often woke her at night when he stirred in his . She wasn't thinking about it at all; she was answering Waddell's questions about what had occurred. Are the others ever held accountable? They just stabbed me and my children!" If you know Arkansas real name then you know I'm right. I believe Czaban was highly judgmental and disapproved not just of Darlie and her lifestyle, but rather had nothing but contempt for the modern American way in general. Linch was instructed by the prosecution team to avoid recording his findings in a written report. James Cron, a retired "crime scene analyst," arrived at the Routier home around 6:00 am. At the time of the. I love how the non supporters always say Darin was the primary suspect at first. Thank you kindly for the compliment. I live in the real world and I know all too well that these things happen; I just don't believe that it happened in the case of Darlie Routier. Again, he wasn't about to flee with anything at all that could link him to this house or this crime. Okay. After a couple of minutes, however, there came a loud bang and what sounded like splintering wood. Devon scrambles to his feet and starts for the hallway. Sung by a Black man? My theory is that there was no direct communication between Darin and the assailants; I feel like he would have preferred not to know the details. I do not fault him for that; he is human. Where is Teresa Powers affidavit? Did this seemingly happy housewife and mother commit this brutal act or did tunnel vision taint the investigation from the start? Okay. On December 28, 1996, Arkansas was found hanging in his cell once againthis time with his hands tied securely in front of him with a bed sheet. Wonder who could have threatened Darin? Transport back to the summer of 69 in this powerful and important story that celebrates Black music, culture, and fashion at the iconic Harlem Cultural Festival. Thats what Id say hang on a sec while I change. But Judge Tolle overrode this. The software will then compare that print to all other prints stored in the database. They were youngDarin was 28 and Darlie was 26and they were enjoying the money they were making. She sat down on the floor right where she was standing. Q. Darlie's 911 call came in at 2:31 am. She has also been charged with capital murder in. A rich husband. He enters the Routier home and is immediately bombarded by two hysterical parents screaming (Darin: "Look for a rag! Darin Routier Husband of Darlie Routier and father of their three sons. Captain Edward J. Smith had a good 40 years of experience on the sea, but he still sank to the bottom of the Atlantic with the Titanic in 1912. A. I walked back over to where she was, and I asked her again who had done it, and if there had been any problems in the house, or if they had had any problems with anybody that she might think would have done it, and she told me no, and she kept telling me, that the guy was still in the house. The two men were arguing heatedly about a crime in which they had both been involved, and in which young children were stabbed with knives, and Karl heard one of them mention the name "Darla. So many questions too many coincidences. You can say whatever you want about Mary Rickels and her story of the two men that tried to break in her house, but I have seen Arkansas's mugshot, and one of the men she described fits him to a T. The description of the other man very closely fits Dwayne. Then she stabbed the other child. The band you know, and the story you dont. What gives? Scientists at the University of California, Irvine, found that acute stress activates selective molecules called corticotropin-releasing hormones. This seemingly idyllic Colonial-style home may have majestic rooftop dormers and picture-perfect porch pillars, but it is the family home where convicted murderer Darlie Routier killed her two sons, 5, and 6. She never should have testified. I am not responsible for what other supporters say, but I at no time ever stated that her necklace was embedded into her wound, nor did I say it had to be surgically removed. So, Darlie attempted to clean up the sinkwith what? The media circled her like sharks, and, eventually, she was sentenced to death-row. When you wake up, you may know intellectually what happened, but have no memory of the crash itself. At first she insisted there were no audio tapes; later she recanted and admitted that there were audio tapes, locked in a storage unit. DLR should easily be released. False. Would this reopen the case? This group is for supporters of Darlie Routier, an innocent mother on Death Row in Texas. I believe that when Darlie turned her back to tell Damon to stay back, the guy doubled back down the hallway. From Paris Hilton to Jay-Z, the biggest celebrities of that time more than likely have a Von Dutch-clad paparazzi photo hidden away in the depths of the internet. Is this what you do when you are the one who has stabbed your own children, and one of them is still alive and could possibly identify you as the one who attacked him? I wish you could say all the things too!!!! LOL Fern! WATCH THE FULL EPISODE: Routiers seemed to be a perfect family, until murder of two boysDarlie and Darin Routier seemed to have a p. How thorough can a murder investigation be in less than two weeks time? sitting on death row in Texas she was. Sponges and cleaning products beneath the sink were inspected, and not a drop of blood was found on either. See these exclusive interviews and stunning details - 'Darlie Routier' - Tonight at 9/8c on ABC May 6, 2019 The new battle for voting rights When questioned about the time at which this took place, Gorsuch testified during direct examination that he looked at the clock and it was 2:40 am. He did not have a conversation with her; she was already at the hospital when he got to the house. It is my personal belief that the noise Gorsuch first heard, before coming fully awake, was the sound of Darlie screaming out the front door for Karen Neal. The Murders At around 2:30 in the morning of June 6, 1996, Rowlett, Texas homemaker Darlie Routier awoke on her family room couch to see the silhouette of a man walking away from her in the dark. It could have been perfectly innocuous, and a police officer or paramedic may have inadvertently kicked the glass out of the way. It's a small thing, but it's just one more detail that was used to make her look guilty, but which turned out to be completely untrue. It should be noted here that at the end of the 911 call, somewhere between 2:36 and 2:37 am, the dispatcher tells Darlie there is a police officer at her door and to let him in. Look at the floor plan of the Routier's first floor to get a better idea of where they were positioned. So nothing you have testified to here today, about what she said to you, happened after Sergeant Walling arrived? Okay. Are we living in the Matrix? Darlie's first words to the dispatcher were: Somebody came herethey broke in! From the controversial start of reality TV to the birth of the internet, this eye-opening yet nostalgic documentary series will transport you back in time. Still, Rickels did not call 911. The prosecution took this diary entry and ran with it. In the summer of 1996, Darlie Routier fell under the shadow of suspicion in the murder of her young sons. Greg Davis was almost theatrically aghast by this choice of music and wasted no time including the all-white jury in his outrage. A. I remember some things that she told me. I believe you're right on the money as far as why it looked like there was "clean up" in the sink area. Ah that makes a comment I saw on Facebook make sense now. Again, Alan Brantley was instructed by the prosecution to not put his professional opinion in writing. WowI never really considered the possibility that perhaps Darin arranged it so that the "burglars" would come in when the family was in the house. Let's think about this claim for a minute. tells the true story of vigilante Faye Yagera woman who spearheaded an underground network to hide hundreds of mothers and their children from the men who abuse them. Brian Pardo isn't actually an attorney. As a private citizen, why cant Teresa Power be heard? Great Falls native Kenneth Gould has been linked to the Jan. 2, 1956, murder of Bogle, 18, and the rape and murder of Kalitzke, his 16-year-old girlfriend. Did you look at the clock when you woke up? She has also been widely criticized for not calling the police that night. Darlie was known as a cookie-baking housewife who always let the neighborhood kids hang out at her house, which they called the Nintendo House because of the elaborate game room that Darin had. What happened next? Question: Tell me more about how the DNA and AFIS databases differ, what are we looking for?